God of surprises

God of surprises August 24, 2012


Last weekend a parishioner came into the sacristy before Mass with a plastic grocery bag.  She approached me and said, “Father, my neighbor’s daughter gave me this when my neighbor died and I have no idea what it is.  All I know is that it came from Rome.”  Getting curious about what the brown plastic bag contained, I asked her if I could see it.

I smiled in disbelief when I saw the bag’s content and said, “I know exactly what it is.”  She looked surprised.  “It’s a commemorative plaque from 1959 celebrating the one hundred years of the founding of my alma mater, the seminary I attended.”  We were both amazed. She asked if I’d like to keep the wooden plaque with the hand painted coat of arms of the seminary, I happily accepted.

I’ve had this very unlikely event floating in my mind for the past few days.  What are the chances?  How can such an ordinary event be transformed into a surprisingly joyful and amazing exchange for both of us?  I honestly thought she would show me a statue of an obscure saint or some insignificant trinket, but I was very wrong.

I am convinced God loves surprises, and through them He fills us with joy.  The archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary with an unexpected, joyful surprise.  Jesus healed the lame and sick surprising all the witnesses.  Jesus rose from the dead after three days, shocking his disciples.  What a surprise when Mary Magdalene announced to them, “I have seen the Lord!”

Unfortunately we oftentimes dislike surprises because they tend to destabilize things.  We want everything to be under control.  We get flustered and aggravated when things do not go exactly according to plan.  Yet consider this, had the Virgin Mary not been open to surprise and had she wanted to retain control over her life, she probably would have said “no” to the archangel.  The more open we become to the presence of God in our lives, the more He will surprise us through ordinary and extraordinary events.  The more we trust Jesus Christ has truly overcome the world, the more moldable we will become, gladly allowing His surprises to mold our will according to His own.

The greatest surprise God has played in my personal life is the Priesthood.  Now as a priest He continues to surprise me every day.  Allow God to surprise you, follow His lead, and you will find joy and fulfillment.

Pictures are mine, all rights reserved.

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