Catholic Statistics

Catholic Statistics May 15, 2013
The 2011 Church Statistic Yearbook was released a few days ago.  Here are a few interesting and hopeful statistics:  

– The number of Catholics in the world increased from 1.196 million in 2010 to 1.214 million in 2011, an increase of 18 million faithful.  The greatest growth occurred in Africa where Catholics increased by 4.3%.

– Catholics make up 16.0% of the population of Africa, 48.8% of the Americas, 10.9% of Asia, 23.5% of Europe and 0.8% of Oceania. This adds up to 17.5% of the total world population.

– The steady increase in the number of priests which began in the year 2000 has continued from 412,236 priests in 2010 to 413,418 in 2011.  The increase of priests has happened primarily in Africa (39.5% increase) and Asia (32%).  The number of priests in Europe however declined by 9% in the last decade.  Whoever says the Catholic Church is a white, European Church does not know the Catholic Church of the 21st century.

-Candidates for the priesthood (diocesan and religious) have increased since 2001 (112,244) by 7.5%. In 2011 there were 120,616 registered.

– The number of permanent deacons registered a strong increase: from 29,000 in 2001 to 41,000 in 2011.

– The number of religious women declined worldwide by 10% in the last decade from 792,000 to 713,000.  The decrease is primarily found in Europe, the Americas and Oceania unlike Africa where there has been a 28% increase and Asia with an 18% increase.  One third of women religious today are either African or Asian.

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