Philippians 4 Challenge: Day 1

Philippians 4 Challenge: Day 1 January 10, 2016

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The Philippians 4 Challenge is incredibly simple: take God at his word for 21 days and see what happens. For 21 days, live like the Bible tells us to live in Philippians for and see if the promises it guarantees us come true in your life. That’s it. Take God at his word, take a leap of faith, and see what happens.

Philippians 4 is a chapter that promises three incredible things, things we spend billions of dollars and years of our life trying to pursue, three things that God will grant us if we do four simple things. We’ll get to the four commands tomorrow, but let’s start with the good stuff. Here’s what Philippians 4 promises will happen in your life:

1. The peace of God will guard your heart and mind. How much do we pay for ‘peace of mind’ today? That idea drives a multi-billion dollar insurance industry that profits off of our never-ending quest for peace of mind. The peace of God will protect us like a shield from the onslaught of an enemy that wants to steal, kill and destroy. That peace can be yours.

2. A closer intimacy with God. Philippians 4:9 promises that the “God of peace will be with you.” He will not only guard us, he will be with us, within us, transforming us from the inside out. We can have an abiding fellowship and life-long intimacy with our Creator, our Heavenly Father, the very definition of love and joy, grace and peace. God can be with you.

3. A life of contentment. Paul, the writer of Philippians, gives a testimonial in Philippians 4:11 and tells us that by implementing these four things, he’s learned the secret to being content in any and circumstance. Think about that! Think about a deep-seated, never-shaken contentment that seeps into your pores and radiates joy through every aspect of your life. Who wouldn’t want that?

Those three things are the end game. While you might not arrive completely by the end of 21 days, the goal is for you to get a taste of the incredible life God has for you.



Share in the comments below and answer this question, “Which of the three promises holds the most appeal to you? Which promise are you the most desperate for?”



Dear God, may your promises in Philippians 4 come true in my life. Give me the perseverance to see this challenge through to the end.



Click the link below and take a short survey that will help establish a baseline for where you are right now. You’ll use these answers at the end of the Challenge to see and celebrate how far you’ve come!



help spread the word about the Philippians 4 Challenge by using #phil4challenge on social media!

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