The Two Trees (11 of 33)

The Two Trees (11 of 33) June 16, 2004

[Meditations are intended to be read sequentially, from 1 to 33.]

In the Garden …


Eating of the fruits of the Tree in the Garden, we find that we can’t get our fill. “More, more, more!” we passionately cry. Though we tire of anger, it seems to be a constant, consistent, emotion in our dominion.

Lust, we find, leads to action. The deed being done, we lie alone wasted with grief and remorse. The cure for which we also seek upon the Tree in the Garden. For the beautiful creature claims to have a remedy for all our ills.

This day, as we shrink from the fruit of lust, we are offered an orb of pride. The beautiful creature tells us that this fruit is the chief remedy of all ailments. “Taste and see,” says he.

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