Taken from a Bishop’s notice …

Taken from a Bishop’s notice … September 10, 2004
Tomorrow, Saturday SEPTEMBER 11th, is the third anniversary of the terrorist attacks on our country which took the lives of nearly 3,000 people. At divine services tomorrow, please remember in your prayers those who were killed and those who were injured, their families and friends, our nation, her president, elected officials, civil authorities and “first responders,” and the men and women of our armed forces.



Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.

O Lord God of hosts, O God of our salvation, O God who alone workest wonders: Do Thou look down with mercy and compassion upon Thy humble servants and, out of love for mankind, hearken and have mercy on us. Look with mercy, we pray Thee, O Lord, upon those of our sons and daughters who now serve in our Armed Forces and who in obedience to their superiors have, for our sakes, placed themselves in harm’s way. Grant that those who request the protection of Thy right hand may be overpowered by no adverse force. And may the invited defense of Thy mighty power shield Thy faithful sons and daughters. Watch over them, O Lord, and bring them back safe to those who love them. Grant courage and steadfast faith to them and to those who long for their return. Bring a quick and bloodless end to these conflicts, and spare the lives of the innocents. Grant no increase to the numbers of widows and orphans, and relieve the privations of the bereaved and wounded, whether wounded in body or in soul. Restore peace in our day, O Lord, that Thy truth may go forth unhindered; for Thou, O Lord, art the Prince of peace and art ever glorified with the Father and the all-holy and good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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