Asinine in Asheville

Asinine in Asheville November 12, 2004

We seem to have lost sight of the fact that we are supposed to have a separation between church and state in this country. There are large numbers of people in the U.S. who just voted for President Bush as a result of his perceived Christian values. The only problem is that our forefathers had the foresight to see that this was a country founded on diversity and that religion had no place in government. Therefore, those who voted for Bush because of his religious ideology, should consider moving to another country where they don’t have our pesky Constitution to get in the way of their ruler legislating morality based on his personal faith. In short, it’s un-American to want a president (or any elected official) who is pushing a particular religious agenda, even if it is an agenda with which you agree. This nation’s founders had the foresight to realize that people of different faiths needed to be respected, but our current administration and half the voters seem to have forgotten this crucial fact. I respect all faiths and believe in God, but keep you faith our of U.S. politics or find somewhere else to live.

The above entry appeared in yesterday’s Letters to the Editor section of the Asheville Citizen-Times newspaper.

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