Life is Like a Box of … Nutballs

Life is Like a Box of … Nutballs November 19, 2004

Especially for the “Jesus-in-the-Tortilla” crowd comes news of …


If you’ve not already gone to the above link, suffice it to say that 10 years ago a woman fixed a grilled cheese sandwich and, upon taking a bite, found what she determined to be the face of the Virgin Mary staring back at her from the toasted bread. She’s now selling it — the 1/2 sandwich with picture and missing bite — on eBay. I’m not sure if you heard me or not: She’s selling an old used grilled cheese sandwich on eBay !

She claims that over the years it has brought her good luck (e.g., winning $70,000 in a local casino). It’s no wonder that Christians are often so poorly portrayed in the Media.

Speaking of which … word has it that Orthodox Christian Tom Hanks has landed the lead role in the film adaptation of Dan Brown’s “DaVinci Code“.

Immediate commentary fails me.

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