Vampire Blogging

Vampire Blogging February 21, 2005

Due to my secular job, third shift, I’m used to fashioning blog posts in the middle of the night. Never in the light of day. Yet thanks to the modern day struggle known as a computer virus, or something equally evil, my laptop is ailing … on life support. Hanging on by a thread. Full lobotomy pending.

I think it’s a conspiracy.

Consider the two posts that I was working on, both foolishly stored in my AOL Mail-to-be-Sent:

1) On the DaVinci Code

2) Sacraments for Space Aliens

See what I mean? Y’all know I’ve blogged freely for over six months. But now that I get to the real issues, the issues that hound us everyday — space aliens and Gnostic novels — well, you see how it is.

Forgive me but for safety reasons I shall write this next sentence in code:


Then again, perhaps the drive to work at around midnight has limited my Radio surfing options.

More later …


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