DAIRY: An Animal of a Different Color

DAIRY: An Animal of a Different Color March 15, 2005

For Converts, as well as Cradle Orthodox new to fasting, Dairy Products are perhaps the hardest to step away from. For many of us, this was the main ingredient for all our foods. It is also harder to replace than eggs, which are often used in cooking only to “bond” the other ingredients together. This job is well done by egg replacements: tofu, potato starches, rice fours and a host of other substitutes. Dairy Products add a special flavor and texture to foods that’s difficult to match. Staying out of the Cheese is difficult enough, but turning your back on all foods made with milk can be emotionally overwhelming for many. Until we have weaned ourselves from these “comfort” foods (dietary fasting should not undermine your spiritual fasting cycle), here are some milk substitutes that will approximate milk, allowing you your “comfort” as well as your fast.

1 cup of milk … 1/2 cup soy milk & 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup juice & 1/2 cup water

1 cup of milk (baking) … 1 cup water & 2 Tb soy margarine

1 cup milk (yeast dough)… 1 cup ginger ale

1 cup buttermilk … 1/2 cup soy milk & 1/2 cup water & 1 Tb vinegar (or lemon juice)

1 cup sour milk … same as above

1 cup light cream … 1 cup soy milk

1 cup heavy cream … 1 cup non-dairy liquid creamer

1 cup sour cream … 1 cup lenten mayonnaise & 1 Tb sugar

1 cup cream cheese … 1 cup lenten mayonnaise

The above suggestions come from St Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church, Wichita, Kansas. Recipes, using the ingredients, to follow.

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