The Cure for Social Security?

The Cure for Social Security? July 12, 2005

We interrupt this vacation to bring you the following opinion of Fr Josiah Trenham …

IS IT JUST ME? Or have you also wondered in all the national discussion we are having about social security and its ailments and what is necessary to fix it- that the most obvious cause of the problem and its most obvious solution is being studiously ignored?

The main cause of the projected deficit (bankruptcy) of the SS fund is a depletion of younger workers, which is the direct fruit of the radical societal embrace of contraception. We are having small families today, and the fruit of such is that the population is aging terribly, and there are far fewer young workers to support our retirees. The solution of the SS debacle is for America’s families to start embracing parenthood again, which of course requires growing up and accepting God-given responsibility instead of trying to extend the trivialities of youth throughout one’s life.

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