Men, Boys, Toys, Etc.

Men, Boys, Toys, Etc. July 6, 2005

Two knees, two bar stools, three kids & an old man … it don’t get much better.

On second thought, it would if the cameraman was able to be in the picture.

Alas, her work is never done!

Esolen on “Invisible Men” …

It is painful enough to compare Jackie Robinson with the run of should-be convicts that shatter the boards of the NBA.

More H E R E.

BTW MereComments now allows … comments!

Heterosexuals are responsible for “same sex marriage” …

The reason it is so difficult to convince Christian Harry and Mary that same-sex marriage is wrong is that we rely on Christian radio to inform Mary about the issue while she is rushing from her second job to pick up little Jimmy from the day-care center for church soccer league while Harry’s on the golf course with the guys. What we don’t stop to ask is whether “same-sex marriage” is all we’ve ever known for a long, long time.

Read the whole thing H E R E.

The ever-vigilant Dawn on the latest PP nonsense. Here, a kid asks a question and receives an answer:

While many religious leaders teach that masturbation or any other sexual activity outside of marriage is sinful, it is entirely a matter of personal belief.

In other words, it’s not enough for Planned Parenthood’s “experts” to say, “Yes, masturbation is physically safe, and we believe it’s healthy.” They have to reach into the realm of religion and fully dispense with any faith-based qualms a 14-year-old child might have about the activity. Yet, Planned Parenthood is the first to raise church-and-state arguments whenever there are attempts to teach abstinence in public schools.

Go H E R E.

The End of Time, the VIDEO GAME!

Left Behind:

Eternal Forces is a new computer game which creators claim is “morally just and family-friendly.” Players enter the scene after the Rapture when Satan’s forces are slowly taking over the world. As part of the rebel Tribulation Forces, players fight apocalyptic battles in New York City.

Blogging pastor Paul McCain isn’t impressed:

I can’t think of a more appropriate use of the “Left Behind” novels and genre than in the form of a fictional game. Since the entire premise of the books, the millenialistic distortion of our Lord’s second coming, is itself a fiction.

If you M U S T.

Rich Lowery is just now catching up on what used to be called “Celebrity Gossip” (now known as “News“) …

I still have much to learn. The cover of Celebrity Living Weekly declares “Kirsten & Jake ready to wed!” All I can think is: OK, great! Who are Kirsten & Jake? As far as I can tell, celebrities are always either ecstatically happy or desperately anguished, about to break up or get together, gaining weight or losing dangerous amounts of it. They apparently have time for little else.

It’s all H E R E.
Thx: News Forum

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