A new Patriarch in the Holy Land?

A new Patriarch in the Holy Land? August 23, 2005

Athens/Jerusalem (dpa) – Jerusalem’s Greek Orthodox Church elected a new patriarch Monday, replacing embattled Irineos the First after his alleged involvement in leasing property in east Jerusalem.

A body of 50 clergy and leaders, both Greek and Arab, selected Bishop Theophilos, the official in charge of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, to be the new 97th patriarch of Jerusalem from among 13 candidates including the secretary general of the Jerusalem Patriarch Aristarchos and bishops Timothy and Cornelius. More …

Oh, and …

With the election of 54-year-old Theophilos, Jerusalem’s Greek Orthodox Church will have two patriarchs: Irineos the First, who is recognised only by Israel and the newly elected patriarch recognised by most of the Orthodox world and by Jordan and the Palestinian Authority.


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