I Do Not Like That Poem. Goodbye!

I Do Not Like That Poem. Goodbye! December 16, 2005

Here’s a portion of The Grinch Factor:

“Here’s just how I’ll do it:

I’ll tell each Who Christian

That the liberal Whos have devised a new mission

To take away Christmas!

To mock and destroy

Till no little Who Christian is left with a toy!

And when secular Whos — most likely Who Jews —

Attempt to deny it? Why,

I’ll just SPIN THE NEWS!

“I’ll bluff and I’ll lie; I’ll sow seeds of mistrust.

Soon they’ll form battle lines into

Who ‘THEM’ and Who ‘US,’

Based on which Whos prefer

To sing out, ‘Merry Christmas’

And which Whos say, ‘Kwanzaa!’

Or ‘None of your business!’

“They’ll get so confused and so MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD

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