HOUSTON: View, Visitors, Victors

HOUSTON: View, Visitors, Victors January 16, 2006

As mentioned earlier, it was a busy weekend at St George, Houston — not to mention the NFL!

I really did not think that my wishes and predictions — victorious Steelers & Panthers — would prevail. O me of little faith! (Then again, victors in spite of the officiating.)

Picture One: Sunrise above our house on Sunday, the day of the Houston Marathon.

Picture Two: (L to R) Jordan Henderson, Associate Director at the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC); old priest; John Mahfouz, Program Coordinator for Orthodox Youth Outreach (OYO); Constantine Shepherd, Youth / Christian Ed Director, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Winston-Salem, NC.

Picture Three: OYO participants who ministered to Houston’s homeless over the holiday weekend.

Oops, forgot to take our camera to the Annual IOCC Dinner.

Oh my … Picture This:


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