Britney Spears & Other Religious Leaders

Britney Spears & Other Religious Leaders February 4, 2006

“What would Jesus say to Britney Spears?”

Is OVERSENSITIVITY a sin according to Islam?
HT News Forum

WASHINGTON — The State Department criticized today cartoon drawings in Europe of the Prophet Muhammad, calling them “offensive to the beliefs of Muslims.”

While recognizing the importance of freedom of the press and expression, department press officer Janelle Hironimus said these rights must be coupled with press responsibility.

HT Houston Chronicle

The United States, which before the September 11 attacks was criticized for insensitivity to the Islamic culture, has tried to become more attuned to Muslim sensibilities. Accusations last year that U.S. officials desecrated the Koran sparked deadly riots in Asia and heightened that awareness.

The U.S. response contrasted with European governments, which have tended to acknowledge tension between free speech and respect for religion but have generally accepted papers’ rights to print the cartoons.


Come to think of it, “What would Muhammad say to Britney Spears?”

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