No Such Thing as a Bishop Gene

No Such Thing as a Bishop Gene February 17, 2006

Serge’s comment is food for thought, at least.

Maybe …

1) like the academically unqualified Barbara Harris was promoted 17 years ago in the rush to make a statement, Robinson’s problem was covered up and/or …

2) all the pressure of being a world symbol as well as a bishop got to him and aggravated it.

The obvious point of many who’ve spread this news online is his becoming a practicing homosexual didn’t do the trick and he remains unhappy.Somebody else has suggested that this could be a way for ECUSA to prevent a split in/from the Anglican Communion (for now) without having to repent: use the alcoholism as an excuse to retire Robinson early. I’m not sure if they’d do that or if Robinson would ‘take one for the team’ like that though… perhaps if he were paid handsomely for his trouble like the severance package Jo Mo Doss got from the Diocese of New Jersey.

He’s, of course, referring to THIS.

Any way you look at it, all things considered, he’s unfit to be a church leader.

Maybe his failure is just plain genetic.

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