The Jesus Papers

The Jesus Papers April 3, 2006

Friends, when Elaine Pagels ends up representing “Orthodoxy” … you know something’s fishy.

The vinegar-soaked sponge
He says where the Gospels relate how a thirsty Jesus called out for something to drink. A sponge soaked in vinegar was placed on a reed and lifted to Jesus’ mouth. But rather than reviving him, Jesus died shortly after drinking the liquid. Baigent says that detail suggests how the plot might have been carried out.

Baigent: I think it’s more likely that they raised the sponge with some kind of anesthetic, which knocked Jesus out, which would reduce the trauma and make it easier for him to survive.

James: What do you think those drugs might have been?

Baigent: Well, they used hashish, opium, belladonna. There was a mixture of drugs.

If you’ve the time, read on.

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