PreTeen Priest

PreTeen Priest June 11, 2006

Today, the Great Feast of PENTECOST, marks my 12th anniversary as an Orthodox priest.

What I wrote two years ago, though mucho melancholy, still rings true.

But this year has brought new challenges, struggles, and adventures. The words found under “Acknowledgments” in One Flew Over the Onion Dome may say it best …

I must express my deep and humble appreciation to Metropolitan PHILIP and all Orthodox Hierarchs who not only welcome American Converts into their “families,” under their domes, but paternally tolerate our tics, tantrums, and often misguided zeal. Eis polla, eti Despota!

I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the parishioners who have tolerated my many mistakes over the years, they are wonderful teachers. May God grant them good health, long life, and many years!

They say that one year to a dog is akin to seven for humans. Priests, thus, must be kin to dogs. For, when I was ordained 12 years ago by Metropolitan PHILIP in Jackson, Mississippi, I knew so, so very much. But, it was only a matter of time, say, 3 or 4 years, till, much like a 17 year old human, I knew everything. Now, knocking on the door of Teenaged Priesthood, I really am just happy to be here. I know that God is good. I know that Love is the most important thing. I know that I am unworthy. Somehow, everything else I know must fit into that knowledge or, well … then there’s Repentance.

It’s all good.

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