Anglicans May Soon Look Like This:

Anglicans May Soon Look Like This: August 24, 2006

Rowan Williams says he doesn’t want Anglicans to resemble the Orthodox …

“I don’t especially want to see the Anglican Church becoming like the Orthodox Church – where in some American cities you see the Greek Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Romanian Orthodox Church,” he said. “I don’t want to see in the cities of America the American Anglican Church, the Nigerian Anglican Church, the Egyptian Anglican Church and the English Anglican Church on the same street.”


Talk about spin! Issues that divide the Orthodox are no where near those that divide Anglicans. But, when you’ve got news like THIS to contend with, spin is no doubt in order.

Meanwhile, in Russia, a church is being dedicated to the Martyred Unborn …

Moved by the story of the Holy Innocents of Bethlehem killed by Herod during the time of Jesus, an Orthodox priest has launched the building of a church in Siberia to celebrate regular liturgies for aborted babies.

The Orthodox Church considers abortion a form of infanticide and a grave sin, Vatican Radio is quoted as saying.


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