Bells and … Smells?

Bells and … Smells? August 22, 2006

An excerpt from the August 22nd issue of DYNAMIS (2 Corinthians 2:14-3:3); subscription info at bottom …

Of course when a pastor comes to a parish, there will be those who experience his ministry as a blessing, though some may not. St. Paul alludes to the varied reactions using the figure of fragrance from incense. Some members may find a pastor’s ministry to have an enhancing “aroma,” while others may find his pastoral relationship something of a “stench” (vss. 15,16). The Apostle views such reactions as going beyond mere like and dislike. As he points out, for some, a pastor’s presence and work gives off the aroma of death, while for others the same ministry works as an aroma that leads them deeper into true Life in Christ (vs. 16).

One might think that this difference in reactions would follow the line between those in the Church and those still outside in the world, but it does not seem always to divide neatly along such lines. We know that there are Pastors who fail, abuse, or even betray their people, and we know of congregations who have failed, abused, and betrayed their Priests. All of this is sad commentary on the reality of sin, and as the Apostle says earlier in Second Corinthians, Satan has “his devices” (2 Cor. 2:11). Many of those who oppose a Pastor inside the Church disclose their own captivity to death. Let those who find themselves in opposition to their Pastor be especially cautious! On the other hand, opposition or attraction to a Pastor by those outside the Church can have many reasons, some of which can lead them to life in the discovery of true Orthodox Faith.

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