Blipverting in the Blogosphere

Blipverting in the Blogosphere September 19, 2006

Question: What was the intended outcome of the Pope’s words (quoted or otherwise) on Islam? And, for all Christians, what should now be our response?

GetReligion’s got links to links.

Some may have to deal with the outcome more than others.

Did you hear about the new church in Afghanistan?

Are our views on the Muslim-Rage-of-the-Moment forming us or just scaring us?

Then there’s this new cartoon controversy.

One last question: How are the Evangelical-Enough-to-work-for-the-Apocalypse-Crowd dealing with this? (I mean, there was a time when they believed the Pope to be playing for the other side.)

Blipverts: A blipvert is a high speed commerical condensed into a few seconds. It becomes embed in the viewers mind. It brings up ratings because it prevents the viewer from changing the channel.

In “Max Headroom,” Blipverts are super-compressed TV ads that have the unfortunate side effect of exploding your head.

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