Accent on the Annunciation

Accent on the Annunciation March 25, 2007

Today is celebrated the Great Feast of the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Maiden in Nazareth — the beginning of our salvation! Click the above link for the Annunciation podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.

Happy Feast & Many Years to the clergy & faithful of Annunciation Cathedral, Houston.

Meanwhile …

“As we begin with eagerness, O ye faithful, the sixth week of the holy Fast, let is sing a hymn in preparation for the Feast of Palms, to the Lord who comes in glory to Jerusalem in the power of the Godhead, that he may slay death. So with reverence let us prepare the branches of virtues, as emblems of victory; let us cry Hosanna! To the Creator of all!”

— from Sunday evening Vespers of the Sunday of St Mary of Egypt

“Today Lazarus has died and Bethany laments for him: but Thou, our Savior, shalt awake him from the dead. Through the raising of Thy friend, Thou hast given us in advance an assurance of Thine own dread Resurrection, of hell’s death and Adam’s restoration to life; and we therefore sing Thy praises.”

— from Tuesday evening Vespers of the Sixth Week of the Fast

“Desiring to save the world, He is the Creator of all came to it according to His own promise, and He that, as God, is the Shepherd, for our sake appeared unto us as man; for like calling unto like, as God He heareth: Alleluia!”

— Kontakion 10 of the Akathist of the Theotokos

“When the Absolver of all mankind desired to blot out ancient debts, of His Own will He came to dwell among those who have fallen from His Grace; and having torn up the handwriting of their sins, He heareth from all: Alleluia!”

— Kontakion 12 of the Akathist of the Theotokos

Quotes thanks to FWD from Fr Mark Mancuso.
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