Blind Man, Bleakidy Blank & Blagoslovi!

Blind Man, Bleakidy Blank & Blagoslovi! May 13, 2007

Here follows a portion of this week’s Orthodixie Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.

I regularly get emails from folks, clergy and laity, who are disappointed and seemingly stuck where they are in their current church, denomination, communion, or whatever they call their non-denominational grouping.

Let’s just say they all go to Blank Church, within the Blank Communion.

Now at Blank Church, in the Blank Communion, things are looking kinda bleak. Many of these folks have sent me emails saying, “Dear Father, I still belong to Bleakidy Blank. What should I do?”

Or: “HELP! I’m a member of Bleakidy Blank. I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”

This is where the bad movie dialogue comes in. Did you ever see the movie TWISTER? Bill Paxton’s character spends a good part of the movie saying the same lines, over and over. They go something like this:


And, that’s my first reaction, my gut response, to these emails: RUN! HURRY! GET OUT!

Then the letter goes on to state, “I’ve been a member of Bleakidy Blank for most of my life” … or, “I’m a pastor with a wife and 4 kids” … or, “I’m ready for Orthodoxy but my wife isn’t” … or, “My sins are way too big to squeeze into narrow ol’ Orthodoxy” … etc.

So that’s when I think: RUN! GET OUT! HURRY! RUN!

But, I know better. It’s not so easy.

Besides, when you’re on the outside …

Listen to it all H E R E.

Image stolen from University of Pittsburgh.

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