How many Orthodox does it take to change a light bulb?

How many Orthodox does it take to change a light bulb? June 16, 2007
Recently, at dinner with a group of Orthodox Christians – both Cradles and Converts — the topic of Evangelism came up. We’d all just finished worshipping together, the same God, same Creed, same Communion, same Church … when a man who’d spent his whole life within the bosom of the Orthodox Church said: “You do know that we Orthodox don’t evangelize … don’t you?”

He was dead serious. I was speechless …

I ended up practicing one of my religious survival techniques … I bit my tongue, smiled pleasantly, and nodded my head. Sure enough! It worked … soon, the topic changed!

Now, you might consider that a cop-out but, really, what would have been the point? What fruit would argument bear? What would change?

You know how we Orthodox are about change, don’t you?

How many Orthodox does it take to change a light bulb?

WHAT! You can’t change that light bulb – my grandfather donated that light bulb!

Then again, you’re most likely also aware of how Orthodox evangelize …


Yes, I said it …

The Orthodixie Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.

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