Musing on Mission Work

Musing on Mission Work July 9, 2007

Imagine, if you will, a parish that is fairly new, one that is struggling to define itself. It is a parish that is located in an environment where most of the people around it do not understand what the parish believes or how it worships. This small parish does not have a building of its own. Usually it meets in borrowed space or in the home of one of its members. Its members sometimes face hostility from their own family members. At other times, conflict within the parish itself causes people to leave, or even to fall away from the faith entirely. But most of the Christians in this parish remain devout and dedicated, and strive to live a Christian life, following after Christ Himself.

When I describe that parish, you may think that I am describing our Mission, and …

Musing on Mission work with St Paul and Deacon James … HERE.

NOTE: Still on the road in North Cackalacky; will update when able.

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