Wait! Wait! Wait! (The Wait)

Wait! Wait! Wait! (The Wait) July 6, 2007

Then suddenly, my eyes glimpsed someone I knew — a sinner from earth! I said to the angel “Surely you must be mistaken. I am not in heaven — for look there, that man is a sinner! I knew him. I doubt he believed in Jesus Christ … and, as far as I know, he never went to church a day in his life! What is he doing here?”

“He was invited,” said the guide. “He came.”

For a brief horrifying moment, I saw my own reflection in his beautiful face.

As we traveled along, I saw others that I knew — both sinners and saints. I was very confused — and yet, at the same time, quite overwhelmed. I asked my guide many questions. But his answers all had something to do with “they were invited,” “accepted our invitation,” or, “because God wills it to be so.”

Suddenly, I stopped dead in my tracks. There stood Jack Tyndall. I despised him! Oh, how I hated him!

I turned to the light-filled being and said, “I can’t believe he is here! I cannot stand him!”

“But, remember,” said the angel, “remember … once, twice — you prayed for him.”

He’s right. Although it almost killed me, I did make it a habit to pray for my enemies.

“Is that why he’s here?!” I whined …

The Orthodixie Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.

PS – I’m on the road all week; blogging & comment moderation may be sporadic. Prayers coveted.

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