A Book About Confession, Repentance … and more!

A Book About Confession, Repentance … and more! November 28, 2007

The new book DEFEATING SIN – Overcoming Our Passions and Changing Forever, by Fr Joseph Huneycutt is an ambitious project which tackles a difficult and complex topic with seeming ease. The topic of the passions occupies many pages of writings by a multitude of Church Fathers and is one of the more difficult to grasp completely.

Fr Joseph has done a masterful job of collecting some of these writings and by weaving together excerpts from Fathers both ancient and modern with commentary of his own, he presents a tapestry that is clear, concise and within the grasp of most readers. He has indeed taken a complex topic and made it very understandable. His presentation is also more than simply an academic treatise on the passions for he weaves in throughout a pastoral understanding of how to use this knowledge in the process of spiritual growth. In reading this book I was inspired by the clear and yet deep picture of the passions, how they affect our lives and how we can conquer them in our own lives.

I would recommend this book as an important part of the library of any Orthodox Christian, and particularly as a resource for pastors as they strive to shepherd their flock into the safe fold of the Kingdom of God.

— Archpriest David Moser,
St Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church (ROCOR)

Order a signed copy of DEFEATING SIN through PayPal in the side margin (at left) or — unsigned, multiple copies — through the publisher at Regina Orthodox Press.

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