KID CHURCH: Instructional Liturgy

KID CHURCH: Instructional Liturgy January 23, 2008

These pics are from our second “Instructional Liturgy” celebrated in St Elizabeth Chapel as part of our Church School curriculum. Our first experience was last fall with the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. This past Sunday, it was the Pre-K through 2nd graders’ turn.

One of the highlights is performing the Proskomedia, the bread prep, in the midst of the community. This service, usually done long before parishioners arrive — especially young children — helps us appreciate and understand more fully the Eucharistic offering.

The children were allowed to say the names of their loved ones, living and departed, as a particle of bread for each name was placed on the diskos.

Periodically during the course of the Liturgy, the Youth Director, Michael Sakran would explain what was taking place — and its meaning for the worshippers.

Of course, one of the most delightful segments of such a venture is the Q & A with the youngsters.

For example …

This past week’s Gospel mentioned those with leprosy.

When I asked if anyone could tell me what the Gospel reading was about, someone offered that it said something about …



“Hmmm. Jaguars … OH! You’re right! It sounded like LEOPARDS!” (So then I got to explain what a leper was.)

Another young person asked, “How did Jesus die?”

Before I could answer, someone offered: “The police did it.”

Okay … so I agreed that He was arrested …

And then someone said it was the fault of …

are you ready for this?

… the Germans!


Another kid, quite radomly, asked: “Do you own a computer?”

Just when I was getting into all this excitement one hand shot up and a young boy asked: “Is this almost over?”

No doubt, that’s a popular question among parishioners of any and every age.

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