The Ear Bird (the Angel cried) Gets the Worm

The Ear Bird (the Angel cried) Gets the Worm May 24, 2008

There I was last week, lying on the psychiatrist’s couch, recounting my history of … ear worms.

Truth be known, I think it all started last year during a Podcast where I sang Billy Don’t Be a Hero, a favorite among earworm sufferers.
It’s a common problem: Music, stuck in your head, not whole songs just snippets, usually songs you loathe.

“And they called it puppy love …”


# 3 for Donny Osmond in 1972


Earworm is a term – invented by James Kellaris — for a portion of a song or other musical material that becomes “stuck” in a person’s “head” or repeats against one’s will within one’s mind. Studies haved demonstrated that different people have varying susceptibilities to earworms, but that almost everybody has been afflicted with one at some time or another.

Last week, thanks in part to my yearly struggle with the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman (more on that later), I decided to get help …

The Orthodixie Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.

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