Church Seating Request Form

Church Seating Request Form June 10, 2008

During the last holiday season, many individuals expressed concern over the seating arrangements in the church. In order for us to place you in a seat which will best suit you, we ask you to complete the following questionnaire and return it to the church office as soon as possible.

1. I would prefer to sit in the… (Check one:)

___ Talking section

___ No talking section

___ Snob section

2. If talking, which category do you prefer? (Indicate order of interest:)

___ General gossip

___ Specific gossip:

___ The big priest

___ The little priest

___ How wonderful the former priest was

___ The chanter

___ The choir director

___ The Presbytera (Khouria, Matushka)

___ Fashion news

___ What others are wearing

___ What others are not wearing

___ Your neighbors

___ Your relatives

___ Your neighbors’ relatives

___ Other: _______________________________

3. Which of the following would you like to be near for free professional advice?

___ Doctor

___ Dentist

___ Child psychiatrist

___ Mother in law

___ Podiatrist

___ Chiropractor

___ Stockbroker

___ Accountant

___ Lawyer

___ Real estate agent

___ Architect

___ Plumber

___ Buyer (Specify store: _______________________ )

___ Golf pro

___ Other: ____________________________

4. I want a seat located (Indicate order of priority:)

___ On the aisle

___ Near the exit

___ Near the window

___ Near the bathroom

___ Near my in-laws

___ As far away from my in-laws as possible

___ As far away from my ex-in-laws as possible

___ Near single men

___ Near available women

___ Where I can hear the choir

___ Where I cannot possibly hear the choir

___ Where no one can see/hear me talking during services

___ Where no one will notice me sleeping during services

___ Where no one can see/hear me talking or me sleeping during the sermon
(note: additional charge)

5. Please do not place me anywhere near the following people:
(Limit of six; if you require more space, you may wish to consider joining another congregation.)
_________________________ __________________________ ________________________ __________________________ _________________________ __________________________

Your name: _________________________________

Building fund pledge: __________________________

Slightly edited; thanks to FWD from a couple priests who shall remain anonymous. Of course, those of you who worship without pews or chairs can, no doubt, stand each other. 🙂

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