This is not the funniest blog. (Part 1)

This is not the funniest blog. (Part 1) June 18, 2008

By now, what with all the media coverage and all, y’all’ve no doubt heard that this site has been voted funniest in the 2008 Eastern Christian Blog Awards.

Having been up against Grace (who now finds herself on the other side of glory), I can only attribute my receiving this award to pink cowboy hats Luck.

I do struggle to be witty on the Orthodixie Podcast (here, here, here, and here) … and here



and here

But face it, (and here) this blog’s not always (here) funny. Nor intended to be. Sometimes I’m dead serious, sorta.

Just for fun, I’ll post some favorite — humourous — posts from the Orthodixie Archives in the coming weeks. (Here.) For now, I want to mention a couple amusements from ol’ pals Mama Fred & tmatt which may have slipped you by …

You’ve heard of St. Vladimir, Prince of Kiev. It was under his reign that Russia became a Christian nation, in 988 AD. He would have been a challenging guy to evangelize. Vladimir was his father’s youngest son, and born of a concubine, so he had to fight for the throne, and killed his brother in the process. He wanted to marry a princess but she rejected him because of his mother’s low birth. So Vladimir killed her father and took her by force. Like many Asian princes he had a vast harem–7 wives and 800 concubines–and built temples to his pagan gods, where he offered human sacrifice, including Christians. Now, picture yourself ringing his doorbell, armed with a few tracts and the Orthodox Study Bible.

* * *

A few years ago I was being interviewed on an NPR program, and the host asked me, “All this fancy stuff you do in church, the icons and candles and incense, doesn’t it get in the way? Doesn’t it distract you from worshipping God?”

I said, “Imagine that it’s your anniversary, and your husband has taken you to a nice restaurant. There’s a white cloth on the table, roses and candles, a glass of wine, and violin music is playing in the background. Does that distract you from feeling romantic?”

More HERE.

For millions of users, the World Wide Web has turned into a Devil’s den packed with urban legends, pop-up porn, Nigerian get-rich schemes and tidal waves of spam pushing medical products that make sailors blush.

Read it all HERE.

Note: Some of the links on the old postings are now dead, victims of blogosphere shelf life.

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