Holy Slit-Eyes, Batman! (Artificial Insemination)

Holy Slit-Eyes, Batman! (Artificial Insemination) August 19, 2008

Personally, I find all the continued hoopla over athletes posing “slit eyes” to be a bit over the top (even in the age of Aquarius Oprah).

My my.

For such a hyped-up oversensitive sex-soaked society we sure miss the boat on the important things.

Like this for example:

“California’s highest court was unanimous in its decision on Monday that Christian doctors may not refuse to perform artificial insemination for homosexual patients.”

Or, this

“The state high court said the doctors’ constitutional rights to freedom of religion did not trump the state antidiscrimination law because the state has a compelling interest in ensuring full and equal access to medical care.”

Click either of the links above and enter the discussion. The first one (here) has generated, as of this writing, almost 80 comments.

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