Redeeming Regifting

Redeeming Regifting December 26, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s high time that a very sensitive topic was dealt with openly and honestly …

I’m speaking, of course, about REGIFTING.

Oh, come on — some of you are guilty. You didn’t want that sweatshirt, that cookie jar, that Chia Pet …

So, you did what anyone who doesn’t regularly host yard sales would do. Out of, ahem, love, you turned around and gave that bulky shirt or colored piece of plastic to someone else.

What’s that you say? You’ve never done that?

Then, let me ask you: Have you ever received that odd sweatshirt, cookie jar, or Chia Pet? Yes, well, you are most likely a recipient of regifting.

However, there is one gift that can be regifted over and over again and everyone’s the better – the wiser – for it.

That’s right. I’m speaking here of your charitable gift to the continuing ministry of Ancient Faith Radio.

Someone gave you some money? – your boss, your mom, your neighbor, maybe even your enemy?

They just GAVE it to you?

Well, I’m encouraging you – especially NOW — to regift it!

Because every dollar you give to the ministry of Ancient Faith Radio between now and December 31st will be doubled (up to $10,0000)!

That’s right …

Regift your money to AFR between now and the end of the year – and that gift will be matched with funds from a generous individual donor — until AFR reaches the combined total of $20,000!

So, come on! This is guiltless regifting!

Times 2!

Let’s all join together during this holy season and quickly match this gift with whatever amount we’re able to share.

Wishing you and yours a happy & blessed Nativity Season – and, on behalf of Ancient Faith Radio

thanking you in advance

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