Orthodox White Boy

Orthodox White Boy January 30, 2009

UPDATE: I am away this week for our annual Clergy Brotherhood Retreat – Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America; blog updates and comment approval may be nonexistent.
Prayers coveted.

I have a suspicion that many AFR listeners may not understand this week’s podcast.


Because I know for a fact there’s folks out there in AFR land who are non-Orthodox — Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Anglicans — and, yes, even nominal Christians and secular types.

Some people will definitely be offended.

But, I also suspect that many of those same people are, like me …

come closer …


Typical signs of Orthodox White People are exposed by the following questions:

Have you written a book about your conversion to Orthodoxy?
— With the exception of Fr James Bernstein, you are white.

Have you read a book about someone’s conversion to Orthodoxy?
— No doubt, you are white.

What’s that, you say? You are an Orthodox blogger?
— Whitey, whitey, whitey.

OH! You are an African-American convert?
— Yes, well, welcome to the club — and, in this club, you may as well be white, too, buddy.

By now there are some of you thinking: “Hey! You can’t talk that way!”

Well, I don’t.

But plenty of so-called ethnic Orthodox …

The Orthodixie Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.

Or, just listen right here.

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