What Jesus is … and the Bible ain’t

What Jesus is … and the Bible ain’t January 19, 2009

Rarely do I link to Fr Stephen Freeman’s Glory to God for All Things, though I try to keep up with him (no small task), because I assume most of you read him already. The following entry, however, deserves a read (tell your non-Orthodox friends — even your pastor) …

The Bible is not God’s revelation to man: Jesus Christ is God’s revelation to man. The Scriptures bear witness to Him and are thus “true” as a true witness to the God/Man Jesus Christ.

Thus the import of Noah’s flood is to be found in Holy Baptism and not the other way around. Creation as shared in the first chapter of Genesis is an unfolding of the Paschal mystery and it is from that mystery that it derives its value. I could multiply such examples. When this principle is forgotten, Christians find themselves arguing over points of geology or archaeology and not over the triumphant resurrection of Christ. If Christ is risen from the dead, everything else becomes moot. If Christ is not risen from the dead, then all Christian statements become moot.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and read it all.

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