Janitor, Banjo, Sideburns, a Nun — Opa!

Janitor, Banjo, Sideburns, a Nun — Opa! October 7, 2009

So I’m standing in the food line on opening night at the Houston Greek Festival …

We’d arrived early, before the first meals were served, and the line, though long, was yet to move.

I’m standing in line with my wife and kids behind me and, after we’d exhausted our family musings: How was school?

GOODGood good

We did what most people do when so occupied … nothing to do but stare around at the people, nonchalantly.

Sometimes, I must confess, when I am at large outdoor events like fairs, carnivals, rodeos and festivals, I often wonder:


I mean, you gotta admit, there’s some strange lookin’ dudes and dudettes that populate such affairs.

Anyway, there I was, standing in line at the Greek Festival, minding my own business …

It’s inevitable, in such situations, that – eventually – some stranger will strike up a conversation, usually about nothing at all: the weather, the wait, the crowd …

And so it happened that day, in line for food, at the Greek Festival …

I was standing behind a guy with long white sideburns, John Deere cap, with his name on his work shirt …

… and he turns to me and says:

“You a priest or something?”

Y’all … I am, of course, dressed as a priest and, sinner that I am, my first impulse was to say, “Yup. You a farmer or something?”

But, before we get to the rest of that conversation, a bit of back story:

The Orthodixie Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.

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