Icono Diagnostical Da Vinci

Icono Diagnostical Da Vinci January 6, 2010

The following has absolutely nothing to do with Orthodoxy. You have been warned …

This news story out of London (boy, ain’t the whole world gone crazy?) concerns the “health deficiencies” of the model for Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. It needed a few more examples and, though I’m no expert, I have happily provided …

LONDON (Jan. 6) — When most people gaze on the Mona Lisa, they see a great beauty with a beguiling smile. Not Vito Franco, professor of pathological anatomy at the University of Palermo. He sees a woman with a dangerously unhealthy diet.

According to Franco, Leonardo Da Vinci’s most famous subject suffered from worryingly high levels of cholesterol. He made that diagnosis after spotting signs of xanthelasma — a build up of yellowish fatty acids under the skin — under Mona’s left eye, as well as subcutaneous lipomas, benign tumors composed of fatty tissue, on her hands.

Here’s the whole story.

The article goes on to state: “This new field of research, which Franco calls “icono-diagnostics,” has some obvious limitations …”

Here’s a few icono-diagnoses of my own:

Dehydration. A body needs water and, sometimes, the long hours of sitting for a painting by the Master can leave one parched.

Make sure to hydrate often!

Thyroid-Associated Ophthalmopathy — otherwise known as Graves’ Eye Disease (not to be confused with Billi jo-elleye).

If you think you have Graves’ Disease, please see a doctor.

Wait, here’s one now …

Mononucleosis — or Kissing Disease. The virus that causes mono has a long incubation period: 30 to 50 days from the time you’re exposed to it to the time you get sick. If, of course, you “rock and roll all night and party every day” you may lose track of …


What was I saying?

Oh well … never mind.

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