Fr Zacharias in Wichita (Pt 2)

Fr Zacharias in Wichita (Pt 2) February 6, 2010

Click here for part one; here for past retreat notes — and remember, these notes are filtered through a slow moving hand and noggin:

If we are worshiping a loving God, we need a sensation of this life in our deep heart.

The reason Christ did not answer Pilate: “What is truth?” — Had he asked “Who is truth?,” he would have received the answer Christ gave to his disciples at the Supper: “I am the Truth and the Life …”

Man was created by the Divine Energies as a pure potential — or as Elder Sophrony says: “a tabula rasa”.

We are created in the image of God’s Energies.

The Holy Spirit forms Christ in the heart of man.

That all be saved — that is where hypostatic prayer begins; the hope that all men be saved.

The “goal” of every priest … to be a vessel of incorruptible consolation, without sins or passions, to the faithful.

First the person, then the Rule.

St Silouan:
“By God’s grace, I am.”

More later …

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