+ KYRILL Speaka No CREOLE February 1, 2010

An industrious blog reader sent the following regarding a portion of this post which referenced this link:

Hi, Fr. Huneycutt—

I enjoy your blog and wanted to respond to one of the posts, but, alas, didn’t have an “account” and not sure how to do that. Anyway, re. the Patriarch Kyrill comments about Haiti. I looked at the speech and didn’t see how the news accounts could twist his words that way. Even with my poor Google translation, it doesn’t seem to lend itself to the interpretation given in the Media. Here’s an excerpt. I found the entire speech on the Patriarch’s website:

“. . .Today, as perhaps never before, people from different countries, different nations, different religions need to find a common language to unite their efforts. An unbiased look at what is happening today testifies to the emergence of human civilization dangerous challenges: the human race is faced with such challenges, what has never encountered before. Indeed, man can not be calm when informed that a terrorist act, that poverty and hunger are destroying people.

The whole world stirred tragedy of Haiti. The country plight. At one time, when she was a French colony, there were prisons where people were sent from France to life imprisonment. It was a terrible corner of the world. Then the country was liberated from colonial rule, but unfortunately, unlike its neighbor – Dominican Republic – was unable to establish a life and get on the path of development that would lead people to prosperity. I have been on this island, divided between the two countries: the Dominican Republic and Haiti are seen as two of the world. One part of the island flourishes, the other reigning crime and political instability.

Now, however, serious problems of this part of the island many times compounded by a catastrophic earthquake. TV screens we see the abyss of human suffering.

Kazakhstan, like other countries, no stranger to know what an earthquake. Usually in the case of serious natural disasters, people are organized, are beginning to help each other, create conditions for the implementation of external assistance. In Haiti, we are now seeing the opposite: people die from hunger, thirst, disease, and the hands of criminals, and you can imagine in what the hell are now residents of Haiti.

In poverty, hunger, crime, drugs, corruption, against which the evolving human tragedy of the earthquake that devastated the country, many historical, economic, political, social and climatic reasons, finally, the role of personality in history. But we must not forget that it is a profound state of the human spirit is at the heart of many problems of modern society – from drug abuse and crime to environmental pollution.

God saw fit to lay in our moral sense, which is known voice of conscience. It is this feeling, in the first place, people and different from all the animal world, because the mind in some degree peculiar to animals. So, watching the dogs, sometimes amazed at their intelligence, diplomacy, cunning.

However, in human nature, in addition to the instincts and intelligence, there is a moral feeling. This is a very important feature of rights, which distinguishes it from other living beings of our world. This is the secret heart of human nature, in that secret place of the soul and is all – as the Scripture says, from the human heart come evil thoughts (Mark 7, 21). And if these thoughts, we are putting into evil deeds, it is the second area in which they are carried out: whether in politics, in economics there, whether we are mindlessly wasting natural resources that God gave us, and pollute the environment, or create unfair relations, causing famine, social upheaval and drug use, in which some try to escape from the onerous conditions of earthly existence, to relax in the virtual world of dreams. . .”

Thanks to FWD from Geri F.

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