BYZANTINE BEAUTY: The Late +JOB March 31, 2010

The late Archbishop JOB sings the 15th Antiphon from Matins of Great and Holy Friday.

I totally stole this link from Molly at Close to Home.

[The video was recorded by a Holy Trinity parishioner, who writes: “In fact, the video’s existence is a miracle in itself because Vladyka didn’t want to sing it that year, but he was encouraged to by the other clergy and servers. I had tried for a few years before to record this, but something always went wrong. I was fortunate this year that my infant daughter fell asleep for just the right 15 minutes, and my memory card and camera batteries lasted through the entire hymn. I recorded nervously through the entire antiphon, expecting one of the many variables that had lined up to fall out of place… It was with utter joy that I stopped recording when it ending, knowing that I had a great gift in my hand.” More info – here.]

My wife, upon hearing and watching this video, was moved to tears.

It’s worth your time.

May his memory be eternal!

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