OCF Retreat in Houston (Bright Week)

OCF Retreat in Houston (Bright Week) March 29, 2010

As the World Turns:
Orthodoxy Abroad

OCF South Regional Retreat
Hosted by OCF in Houston, TX
April 9-11, 2010

Join College Students and Young Adults from across the South during Bright Weekend for:

* Sessions with clergy about their travel and experience of Orthodoxy
in foreign lands

* Orthodox Coffee House and Hafli/Dance

* Paschal worship and fellowship

Registration: ONLY $65.00 (includes all meals and hotel accommodations at La Quinta Hotel for 2 nights, dance party, coffee house, and discussions)

Registration deadlineEXTENDEDFriday, April 2, 2010

Visit event on Facebook [“OCF Houston”]
or contact Paul Fuller: 713.665.5252

to register for Retreat!

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