Redneck in Ramallah?

Redneck in Ramallah? October 1, 2010

First off, let me just say: I am not a Redneck. At least, I don’t think so (not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course!).

But the title of this podcast comes from a quip I made a few years back upon entering the St George – Houston parish hall after Liturgy and a woman came up to me and said, “So, what’s your next book gonna be about?”

I looked around the parish hall and said, “I’m thinking of writing a book titled Redneck in Ramallah”.

She said, “Well, not all of us are from Ramallah.”

I didn’t say it, but she might have guessed it from my blank stare; I thought: “Oh my, does she think I’m a redneck?!”

Which got me thinking …

What, exactly, is a redneck?

From AFR: As Fr Joseph leaves St George Church and heads west to St Joseph’s, he muses on past “Sons of St George” and wonders if there really ever was a “Redneck in Ramallah” …

The Orthodixie Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.

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