I’m Not Gay; I Was Drawn This Way!

I’m Not Gay; I Was Drawn This Way! August 7, 2011

Recently, at Church Camp, it became clear, especially in the “Ask Abouna” sessions, that young people have questions about sexuality. Nothing new here, I suppose it has always been; but just not so poignant (or pornographic) – but more on that in part two of this two-part series.

Usually on this podcast, I attempt to be funny. Which is not to say gay; I mean, who wants to be gay, right? Aren’t you born that way? Well, I can tell ya one thing: You’re not born funny! You have to work at it. But, if you’ll forgive me, I will pass on the humor this week and say:

When you are a priest at camp and a 10-year old girl says, in a group setting, ‘My best friend is gay’ … well, ain’t nuthin funny ‘bout that.

I wanted to scream WE’RE ALL GAY WHEN WE’RE TEN!

Which, of course, is true (on many levels). When I was ten, there were the Flintstones whose cartoon theme song encouraged us all to ‘have a gay old time’.

I ask you – and, for those who are angry about their so-called sexuality, this is a rhetorical question:

HOW ARE YOU GAY when you are TEN?

Where does one even get such a notion? Why was it on the minds of the Teens and Tweens more this summer at Camp than, seemingly, in the past?

The answer to that is simple: Our young people are fed a steady diet of Sexy Soup daily, constantly – not only on the internet and television … but, these days, in the public school system.

What. An. Idea.

Speaking of which, let’s look at …

The Orthodixie Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.

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