We’re Not Gay; We Were Sewn This Way! (2 of 2)

We’re Not Gay; We Were Sewn This Way! (2 of 2) August 18, 2011

This episode of the Orthodixie Podcast is the second in a two-part series.

After Part One, I’m Not Gay; I Was Drawn This Way, I received a number of emails, some from so-called homosexuals, thanking me. A couple emails were from parents. I’d mentioned that the topic of “sexuality” – especially use of the word gay – is on the minds of our young people. This, unless you are deaf or disinterested, is a fact.


Because our young people are bombarded with this topic online, on the tube, in the classroom and, please forgive my honesty, many parents have shirked their responsibility in being, well, PARENTS!

But, I’ll come back to that …

I am tempted to say: Parents, please do not let your young’uns listen to the following podcast. But, believe me, they hear worse sitting in their school desk.

So, even though I’ll mention Sesame Street’s Bert & Ernie, you have been warned.

Here goes …

A female Camp Staffer asked me:

When young kids ask about their sexuality, what are we supposed to say?

What fell out of my mouth was this:

The Orthodixie Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio.

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