Building Tropical Fairy Houses

Building Tropical Fairy Houses December 30, 2010

There are times when my very being calls out for the Goddess. For weeks it has been the holidays, work and my online Pagan friends that have dominated my daily life. From somewhere deep inside I was yearning for tangible contact with the Divine. Listen Peter; the Goddess is telling you something.

Now I sit here typing with dirt packed under my fingernails, grounded and at peace with my self and with the Goddess. What caused this transformation? What ritual do I engage in that always brings me back to balance?

Well, I build Fairy houses, that’s right Fairy houses. Sounds kind of silly but it is a ritual that has deep meaning for me. These houses are built with grass, dead down wood and leaves. As I gather what I need in the woods I am always reminded of how Gaia provides everything we need in our environment if we are just willing to open our eyes and see. On this small scale I reconnect with the idea of living simply with the earth, taking only what I need from the abundance that surrounds me.

As I begin construction of the Fairy home there is a very deep part of me that is comforted by creating, building, and providing shelter with only the forest to draw upon. The energies of Cernunnos and Pan find expression in the work and envelope me.

Hands digging in the dirt I become mindful of those who came before and their simple and very connected way of life. In these moments I find solace, insight and a powerful connection to Divinity. Dirt, sweat and focus combine to keep me in the moment, experiencing all that the Goddess has to tell me.

For some, an eloquent ritual brings a connection to the Divine. For me, it is the simple experience of being in nature, creating with my hands, and listening to what Goddess has to say.

I walk away from the new tropical Fairy home reminded that I am of the People of the Earth ever blessed and provided for by the Goddess.

When spring comes where you live try building a fairy house in a forest. Perhaps the Goddess will speak to you as well.

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