Saving Lives, Lady Pantera Makes a Difference

Saving Lives, Lady Pantera Makes a Difference April 4, 2011

There are many Pagans in the world making a difference. Most are somewhat uncomfortable in sharing in a public forum what they are doing. For some, this reaction is simply a reflection of their belief that what they are doing is not remarkable. Yet as a community we need these examples of Pagans who walk their talk and manifest positive change in the world.

One such person is Lady Pantera, long time Florida Pagan community participant and former member of Everglades Moon Local Council of Covenant of the Goddess. For the past three years she has donated her time, talents and expertise as a cardiac nurse in support of children in need of open-heart surgery in Kingston Jamaica.

Today she leaves for another trip, as she glibly puts it on-line “Busy getting ready to Mend Li’l Broken Jamaican Hearts”. With twenty open heart surgeries planned she certainly is a “Pagan Who Gets Things Done.” We can only imagine the emotional investment that it takes to even be a Pediatric Cardiac Nurse, much less travel to impoverished nations and conduct these procedures in what must be challenging situations.

This Children’s cardiac program is led by the Cardiac Kids Foundation of Florida. While this great organization provides the funding, it is the volunteers such as Lady Panteria who donate their time to make it all work. For more information on this effort you can view a video documentary at:

Yes, I admire the work Lady Pantera is doing. She is a friend and an example of humanity at its best. Yet, I also know she is just one of thousands of Pagans making a difference in the world. Is someone you know making a difference? Urge them to let the community know what they are doing. As Pagans we can benefit from their example and leadership. Each of these individuals manifest positive changes daily, they inspire us to greater engagement in healing this one human community of which we are all a part.

To Lady Pantera, Blessings of support, safety and healing. To all the Pagans making a difference in the world, Come forward, let us shine a light on the fact that Pagans are engaged, active and effective in their support of great causes.

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