Libations, Conversation, Politics and Inevitable Controversy

Libations, Conversation, Politics and Inevitable Controversy June 23, 2011

PSG 2011 has been a great success despite rain and cool temperatures. Rituals have had great meaning, evoking tears from some, conversations abound that warm the heart and Pagan organizations have taken the opportunity to engage in networking that will surly benefit the entire Pagan community.

With a plethora of opportunities to attend workshops, rituals, and discussions there is much to choose from. Leaders from Circle Sanctuary, Witch School, Firefly House, Pagan Educational Network, Lady Liberty League, Covenant of the Goddess and many other organizations have participated in discussions about the growing trend toward Pagan Unity that seems to be sweeping the community. With many other subjects also being discussed PSG seems to be a great venue for discussing the future of Paganism. Here Pagans feel at home, safe and able to express themselves in perfect love and perfect trust.

Wednesday night it was my privilege to attend a 6 course Symposia dinner hosted by Cara Schultz of PNC Minnesota. All who attended enjoyed libations, hilarity and great food. Guests included Kathryn Hinds, Nels Linde, Judy Olson, Star Foster, Patrick McCollum, Selena Fox, others and myself. It was especially refreshing to spend some down time with this group of hard working people and get to know the real people behind the public personas.

With all this great progress it is unfortunate that some issues do arise at community events that confound expectations. When these things happen it is important to view those involved with compassion and understanding. It is my hope that the community will find in its heart to gain insight into Jason’s actions at PSG prior to jumping to conclusions. This individual does after all write one of the most influential Pagan blogs.

That is all for this update from PSG!

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