Welcome Home! PSG 2011

Welcome Home! PSG 2011 June 21, 2011

Welcome Home! PSG 2011

Cheerful reframe of “Welcome home” greeted me as I arrived at this years PSG. Suddenly immersed in a community of tolerance, open mindedness, joy and a sense of family I find my self struggling to keep up with the shift in paradigms. Smiles are sincere; hugs are warm and friends new and old envelope me in a cocoon of perfect love and perfect trust.

This community, temporary as it is, provides a living example of how humanity can achieve a truly peaceful and pluralistic way of living. Yes, some would rightfully point out that if the community were more long term many issues would arise. But please, just for this week, lets focus on all that is well with this Pagan microcosm of humanity.

Long conversations with members of the community have brought me peace, respite and retreat from the world of disasters that I generally inhabit this time of year. The dichotomy is intense, one day addressing the needs of thousands of fire fighters and just two days later enveloped in a safe community that feeds my spirit. I cannot think of two more different worlds.

Sleep comes and it is the sleep of the content. My eyes open not to new challenges but new possibilities, friendships and truly profound insights into my love for this community.

My heart at rest, I wish you also the opportunity to find your home, your place of belonging, your tribe.

In Gratitude to the Goddess and her children.

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