Dear Son,

Dear Son, July 16, 2011

There are those who say people are Sheep or Wolves.

It’s best to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing

Use your instincts to protect others, be strong yet compassionate, avoid violence, act instead with strength of character.

There are those who cling to the rules.

Life requires that we all follow some blueprint for acceptable behavior.

At times you will be confronted with the choice of following the rules or doing what is right, blindly following rules can lead to a hardening of the heart. Do what is right and be willing to pay the price for your action. It is better to be able to sleep at night with an untarnished soul.

There are those who will judge your mistakes.

Acknowledge when you have made a mistake, take responsibility for your actions, and be willing to pay the penalty. Yet, once done with the process allow no one to bind you or your reputation to the past. Let go, act boldly in building a better life and worldview.

There are those who will seek to control what you believe.

When seeking your truth pay more attention to those asking questions than those providing answers. Your beliefs belong to you alone.

There are those who will point out the differences in people.

Focus on what all people have in common, this leads to compassion. Attempts to establish people as different or the “other” lead to fear prejudice and hate.

There are those who will insinuate that money and power are the measures of success.

Kind words, warm hearts, good friends, compassion, truthfulness and a loving family are the real measures of success.

Dear Son,

Enjoy your life

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