Cheyenne Mountain, Where Bunnies Replace Bombs.

Cheyenne Mountain, Where Bunnies Replace Bombs. July 26, 2012
Awakened by warm sunlight, morning coffee was the order of the day.  Coffee in hand, I stepped out side to enjoy the dawning of a new day at Cheyenne Mountain State Park. As I gazed at the mountain I began contemplating its history.
For decades the mountain has housed a military facility critical to our nations defense strategy.  Here, officers of our military have maintained a watch on the world’s nuclear capacity. It seemed strangely appropriate that there was a dark cloud hanging over the mountain, sunny skies to both sides. The mountain seemed forbidding, in my subconscious sinister.
While considering all of this, I looked up to see a young bunny rabbit approach, unafraid. He hopped right up and sat looking at me. I felt blessed, brought back to the moment. Instantly I was mindful of the beautiful day and all the blessings of being able to enjoy life.
It was quite a dichotomy, my mind jumping from the possibility of world destruction to the profound pleasure of experiencing nature close up. There was a lesion in mindfulness for me. Our world, for so long obsessed with obtaining security, could learn much from this fearless bunny rabbit.
Live in today, take joy from life and remain grounded in the knowledge that stunning diversity and abundance surrounds us. Being obsessed with security only feeds the monster that saps our vigor for life and manifests the very thing that prevents the reality of peace in our time.
This mountain, ever present, has transformed in my mind from tragic symbol of man’s willingness to destroy it’s self, to the home of the wild things, ever free, ever in this place and time, mindful of all that life has to offer.
Thank You Bunny Rabbit!

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